Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Why is it that when I tick the "remember me" box when I login to this blog, Google conveniently forgets it next time. *sigh*


Add another year to my life. :)

While I am grateful for another healthy and prosperous year, I find myself getting less and less excited while waiting for the minutes to tick along. Yes, I'm supposed to act more mature now, and set examples for my younger siblings. But I also want to let my hair down once in a while and wild it out.

22 years is a long time. A looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time. But it feels a lot shorter than that.

Notice how women aged 40s and above fretting about how to look younger, with cosmetics and stuff. And I'm having the same crisis at 21 / 22. Yes, crisis. I have more friends aged way younger than I do have friends my age. And yes, I do enjoy being told I look way younger than what I really am. I want to relive my lost teen years. This is what living overseas can do to people.

And enough ranting, if this is what it is. Thank you, God, for giving me the best life one could hope for. For loving family and friends, for the guidance through the darkness and the laughs along the way. Thank you.


Now that exams are finished, I guess I have more time to spend here. Hopefully.

*crosses fingers*


I've found myself a job. Well, it's not really a steady job, with steady pay. More like the Avon lady, but not a lady. The Avon man! Bringing brochures to your door, and picking it up a few days later. I get paid depending on how they buy, so here's hoping my neighbours are spending people.


2 dance concerts in the upcoming weeks.

1st up is the Filipino Fiesta. WOOT! Going to perform in front of fellow countrymen, not to mention hot girls. LOOOL. Motivation right there!

2nd is the KStar end of year presentation night. Even more hot girls, and friends and family.

Get grooving.


Advance happy birthday to me!

Yay! XD

~ Neal

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