Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Ooh. This One Looks Good.

I have finally gotten to the point of raiding my parents' wardrobe for clothes. Mom's got tons of awesome pants, and Dad's got all these jackets. Woot! Now I've just gotta tell them where their missing stuff went. (:


One week of uni left, and then 2 weeks of exams. For the first time, all 4 of my exams are within 2 days of each other, which means less time to study. Granted, that means I'm done before my birthday. Which is a relief.

Speaking of birthdays, I'm not much of a birthday celebreator, if there is such a thing. I appreciate all the warm greetings, it's just that I don't mind if I don't get any cake. I don't eat chocolate anyways, so there's ice-cream cake, which happens to be the rave nowadays. I'm thinking just a small barbecue at home with my family and the relatives. And there are a lot of us. Yum yum yum.

Or I could go out and celebrate. Although I've no idea who to invite. Apart from my cousins. Or I could go watch a movie, and then dine lavishly at McDonalds. With an Angus. Hehehe. Maybe a Pounder instead. (:


What to do over the summer holidays? Ideas, anyone?


I'm hungry. :(


I wonder how my life would have turned out if I was a leftie.

I also wonder if anyone noticed me dancing on the train this morning. Heehee.


I like how warm the toilet seat feels now when I poop, compared to how freezing it used to be. My poor bum.

~ Neal

Friday, October 23, 2009

The Splits (Ouch!)

Where does one draw the line between weirdness and freakiness? As in psycho freakiness. Totally scary, dude. I don't even have any idea what can make people snap.

I'll tell you what happened. After teaching dance class, I went outside to put my stuff in my car. A few friends and their friends were sitting outside, right beside the car. One reached out his hand for a hi-five, while his friend outstretched her arms towards me.

"Neal! Neal! Give me a hug."

"No thanks."

"Why not? WHY NOT? I know you love me."

"But I don't even know you."

And that's when she snapped, and started swearing at me. I'm pretty sure it's not that time of the month thing going on.



Dance = love. Dance = feelings. Feelings = mood. Mood = music. Music = mood.

Shower music -> slow jams.
Train to Uni music -> punk rock.
Train home -> hip hop.
Bus home -> punk rock.

I need more music.


I have decided to reward myself after a hard days work. And the perfect reward. A McDonalds burger.

Yum yum yum!

Apparently, a friend was in the line in front of me yesterday. I wasn't too sure it was her, until she jumped in the air and whooped. Loool. I would have said hi, but she was with her friends.

Maybe next time.


I'm not flexible anymore. :(

I can't even do the splits anymore. :(



Guess who's still together after all the shit they've been through.

Your bum cheeks.


~ Neal

Friday, October 16, 2009


Choreying to a slow song is hard. Keep at it, keep at it. Eventually, I'll get it. Moves are all around, look for them. Believe, then move. Put feelings into the chorey. Smooth. Flowing. It's a love song, so show the love. Love. It's all about love. Darling.

And I should start learning how to break. Arm strength, increase!


Patching a DS is even harder. Sorry, Mario. Guess you'll have to explore Bowser some other time.


My birthday's coming up soon, and I'm already spending the birthday money. Job experience, my bum. I'm dedicated!


Having 2 phones means less pocket space. ARGH!


The weather's weird. Cold in the morning, then rain and then sunshine. On a cloudy day. Just a thought, how many people actually check the weather forcast before leaving their homes? If it says it's going to rain, do they have a pair of "rain only" shoes?


A friend says I should write about gays and lesbians. And that all gay boys are hot. Not really. I have a gay friend, and he's not good looking at all. And what exactly defines bisexuality? If I find a guy hot and handsome, does that make me bi?

~ Neal

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Think (As Of 1.15 am)

Lets get something out of the way. I get teary-eyed easily. And I mean very easily. And that's probably why I don't handle confrontations that well. Last one just consisted of me keeping my mouth ziplocked and staring at the floor.

It's not like I'm feminine or anything. You could say that I'm more sensitive than the average dude, whatever. I guess if I could be different, I'd choose to be so.


1 Litre Of Tears is actually quite good. First 3 episodes out of the way, I can kinda figure out where things'll end up at the end. Sad, yes.

Which got me to thinking how lucky I am with my life. No serious problems. That's not to say that I can't relate to what they're feeling in the show. I can. I've kinda been through what they have / will.

I have no idea where I'm going with this. I'm typing this as it goes, making no sense.


Do you believe in fate?

I don't know if I do. I think I'm more of the "you are what you make of yourself" kinda guy. Unless something freaky happens, I like the notion of having control of my own life.

I don't mean to sound selfish.


I miss falling in love. Being in love. Loving. Warm weather. And uncapped internet.

I find myself noticing pretty girls, and wondering whether we'd get along. I am starting to creep myself out.

I really wish. I had something to write about now.

Choreographing your own dance is not easy.

4 hours of sleep can befuddle your brain. I really should blog more often.

~ Neal