Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Ooh. This One Looks Good.

I have finally gotten to the point of raiding my parents' wardrobe for clothes. Mom's got tons of awesome pants, and Dad's got all these jackets. Woot! Now I've just gotta tell them where their missing stuff went. (:


One week of uni left, and then 2 weeks of exams. For the first time, all 4 of my exams are within 2 days of each other, which means less time to study. Granted, that means I'm done before my birthday. Which is a relief.

Speaking of birthdays, I'm not much of a birthday celebreator, if there is such a thing. I appreciate all the warm greetings, it's just that I don't mind if I don't get any cake. I don't eat chocolate anyways, so there's ice-cream cake, which happens to be the rave nowadays. I'm thinking just a small barbecue at home with my family and the relatives. And there are a lot of us. Yum yum yum.

Or I could go out and celebrate. Although I've no idea who to invite. Apart from my cousins. Or I could go watch a movie, and then dine lavishly at McDonalds. With an Angus. Hehehe. Maybe a Pounder instead. (:


What to do over the summer holidays? Ideas, anyone?


I'm hungry. :(


I wonder how my life would have turned out if I was a leftie.

I also wonder if anyone noticed me dancing on the train this morning. Heehee.


I like how warm the toilet seat feels now when I poop, compared to how freezing it used to be. My poor bum.

~ Neal

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